About this blog

The name of this blog is small alley. As in an alley, I hope to post a variety of things that I find interesting and as you walk through the alley, you would find things that you like.

I have posted some songs that I wrote. I am not a great singer. I sing and play the guitar purely for fun and I hope people who thinks they can't sing can be inspired by me. No former singing lessons and no former guitar training. Just pure fun......

The recording is also done at home with a drum machine and one guitar through a small amp. The sound file has been touched up slightly by removing the noise. Otherwise the songs are as original as it gets.

I practise Taiji regularly. For me, it is a great exercise requiring control of mind and body to perform well and for it to be enjoyable. You can get more videos of Taiji from YouTube.

Other posts include places and events that I think are interesting and more important, which I have time to upload.

Enjoy your walk through this small alley.....

Sunday, October 24, 2021


It has been a long time since I sketched.  Here is one which I named "Grandfathering".


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Long Distance Call, Slippery Slope Blues, Camino Blues

 2 fingerstyle blues tune played over Camino Blues.

Download scores for Long Distance Call here.

Download scores for Slippery Slope Blues here.  (Oops.  Song was wrongly named Slippery Road Blues in the video.  Slippery Road Blues was posted on 13th Sep 2021).

Camino Blues

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Setting up a Raspberry Pi Wifi Access Point using DietPi

 In one of my previous post, I posted about setting up an access point using the Raspberry Pi (post dated Sept 28, 2013).  Yes, it was about 8 years ago.

That was my venture into the Raspberry Pi and I did not really use the access point.

However this time, I made an access point for my home automation project so that I could connect devices using the Pi access point and not overload the main router.

This post describes the steps I took (eg. additional software I had to install since I am only using the basic DietPi os) and I hope it helps someone who is trying the set up an access point.

My reference is from a wonderful guide by garyexplains which can be found at  https://github.com/garyexplains/examples/blob/master/raspberry_pi_router.md

As I only have one LAN point, I ignored settings for eth1 in the above article.

However my os is Dietpi which can be obtained from https://dietpi.com.  I used a headless setup (no GUI) with the OpenSSH server installed.

After I got DietPi installed, I connected it to my router using the LAN cable (eth0).

Using dietpi-config, I set the a static IP for eth0 (leave the wlan as it is for the moment).

My suggestion is to install all the software listed (hostapd, dnsmasq) by garyexplains and stop the services as described.

I then installed dhcp5, iptables:- sudo apt install dhcp5 iptables

I then change the settings as described by garyexplains.  For files that are not there, I created them (eg. hostapd.conf).

The rc.local file was not present in my system and I created it to contain the following 2 lines:-

iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat

exit 0

I then edited the /etc/network/interface file to give wlan a static ip.  This ip is like the gateway ip of the router where all network traffic will travel through.  The gateway ip would be the ip address of eth0.

After everything is set up, like garyexplains adviced, reboot the Raspberry Pi.  

To view ip leases, cat /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases  

Good luck.September 28, 2013

Note:  I found that the pi can only manage a limited number of connetions (using the on-board wifi).  I think it is 7 max (I limit mine to 6).

Monday, October 4, 2021

Say Love You Today

 An original composition of mine - Say Love You Today

Say Love You Today